I get that a lot of Christians have weird feelings about Halloween, but it has a fascinating history—and it relates very much to the subject of astronomy. Solstices and Equinoxes First, a little background… The sun does not rise and set in the same place on the horizon throughout the year. Of course the sun always […]
Get Ready for the September Lunar Eclipse!
Pray for clear skies on the evening of September 27 (or early morning of the 28th if you live in Europe). There’s a lunar eclipse coming! Full lunar eclipses are often called “blood moons” because the moon will appear red in the sky. Why this blood-red color? Have you ever seen the sky after sunset light up […]
Astronomy and the Bible (20+ Passages)
There are many passages in the Bible where an understanding of astronomy is very helpful. Below are some of most important ones. Genesis 1:14-19 – This text is all about the creation of the sun, moon, and stars for the purpose of (1) giving light on the earth, (2) separating day from night, (3) marking […]